Atypical grid usage:

Save costs with individual grid charges

Energiemanagementsystem mit Echtzeit-Analysen für Atypische Netznutzung

How to efficiently offset and minimize rising grid charges with STABL energy storage systems.

What is atypical grid usage?

Starting in 2025, electricity costs are set to rise for all consumers due to increasing grid charges, which account for a significant portion of the overall electricity price. The Federal Network Agency has released updated distribution grid fees by region, along with an overview of how the costs of renewable energy grid integration are being distributed. A detailed list of distribution system operators and the old and new charges for each region is available on the Federal Network Agency’s website.

Discover how your company can cut regular grid charges by 40 to 50 percent with the implementation of a battery storage system.

According to Section 19 (2), first sentence, of the Electricity Grid Charges Ordinance (StromNEV), grid operators are required to offer an individual grid charge if a company’s maximum load deviates significantly from the general peak load in the grid. Energy-intensive companies with specific consumption patterns can particularly benefit from this. The key factor is that the company’s maximum load occurs outside the peak load time windows defined by the grid operator, meaning it is effectively shifted. Atypical grid usage is therefore considered a special form of peak shaving or peak load capping.

Additionally, the peak load time windows are published annually by 31 October and apply for the following year. If your electricity consumption occurs during periods of lower grid load, you can significantly reduce your standard grid fees through targeted atypical grid usage.

Atypische Netznutzung als Sonderform des Peak Shavings

Fig. 1 Atypical grid usage as a special form of peak shaving (source: STABL)

Electricity storage systems help to relieve the load on the electricity grids during winter and peak times

An energy storage system also acts as a buffer between energy consumption and power supply: If you need less electricity than the grid capacity allows, or if you have surplus energy from your own generation sources such as solar or wind, this electricity can be temporarily stored in a Battery Energy Storage System (BESS). This prevents the surplus electricity from being lost or fed back into the grid unnecessarily. This helps stabilize grid electricity consumption and smooth out demand fluctuations. By stepping in during peak load times, the storage system reduces reliance on costly grid electricity while ensuring a reliable power supply.

If your company relies on weather-dependent solar or wind energy, a storage system allows you to use the generated electricity when needed, even when no renewable energy is being produced. This reduces dependence on grid electricity, maximizes the use of your own generation, and ultimately lowers grid charges.

Die optimale Synergie aus Netz, Stromverbraucher, Erzeugung und Batteriespeicher

Fig. 2: This is how an optimal synergy between energy storage, generation, grid supply, and consumers can look.

Example of savings with atypical grid usage

General Grid Fee

Capacity price [€/kW] * annual peak load [kW]+ energy price [€/kWh] * annual electricity consumption [kWh]

900 kW * 208 €/kW + (0.01 €/kWh * 2,800,000 kWh) = 215,200

Individual Grid Fee

Capacity price [€/kW] * Peak load during high-load time window [kW] + Energy price [€/kWh] * Annual electricity consumption [kWh]

600 kW * 208 €/kW + (0.01 €/kWh * 2,800,000 kWh) = €152,800

→ 29% reduction in grid fees

Step-by-Step Guide to Cost Savings

  1. Conduct a load profile analysis: Determine your load profile and identify your peak load periods.
  2. Submit an application: Enter into an agreement with your grid operator and submit your application to the Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) by September 30.
  3. Secure your individual grid fee: Once your application is approved, the reduction applies from the current calendar year.

Application for Individual Grid Fees Includes:

  • A detailed justification for atypical grid usage
  • Consumption data from the previous year and forecast data for the application year
  • Information on the metering point, grid level, and delivery point

Conclusion: Save with Intelligent Grid Usage Management

Whether your company meets the requirements for an individual grid fee through atypical grid usage can be quickly determined with a load profile analysis. At STABL, we offer a comprehensive package of consulting services, identify your potential savings through simulations, and assist you with our various energy storage products in preparing for the process. Take advantage of the opportunity to reduce individual grid fees through atypical grid usage, while also supporting grid stability and consuming energy efficiently and sustainably.

Every company has unique requirements for an optimal power supply. Our expert team specializes in creating tailored solutions for your specific needs. We are happy to advise you on how to optimize atypical grid usage with battery storage and calculate the savings potential for your individual situation.

Additionally, learn how dynamic electricity tariffs on the energy market can be used to maximize flexibility and cost advantages.
Link: Dynamische Stromtarife auf dem Energiemarkt nutzen